Thursday, June 25, 2009

Grithly Bear Girlfrenn!

I guess to celebrate Gay Pride Month, the whole world decided to be nice and try to like Grizzly Bear, even landing them on Billboard's Top Ten.

Fronted by the love child of Adrien Brody and a gay Muppet (probably Bert), Grizzly Bear's lastest album - "Vasectomy" or some shit like that - is 6 minutes (elapsed time before I stopped listening) of pure laziness. From the lacklusterlyrics to the cry-voice singing, Vasectomy will make you wish the rest of the band broke off and started another band with a different singer who still has his testicles in tact. Maybe called Grizzly Bälls. Look at that umlaut. You know they're gonna rock the shit. Back to Grizzly bear...

In conclusion, if I wanted to listen to gay people whine I'd watch "So You Think You can Dance?". This album is as aggrivating as it is boring.

1 comment:

  1. Oh damn! He's dogging you! (and me, I guess, since I also write for this blog, but I love Grizzly Bear, so I'm kind of pissed.) Grizzly Bear are almost as boss as the Born Ruffians. And I wish that Adrien Brody-Muppet dude weren't gay cos I would do him. I already follow him on twitter, so, you know. It could have happened.
